Hello friend!

Ten years ago, when I turned 50, my family gave me a great surprise party with a cake that said 50 is the new 30. So much fun!

Now, I’ve turned 60, recently, and some days I definitely feel it–60 is not the new 40, LOL.

I have this whole nightstand drawer–maybe two drawers–of braces for various body parts (wrist, back, heel, etc.), plus other bottles of stuff for achy parts, along with books on diet and health. Oh, meds and supplements galore!

Exercise classes and walks are still a vital part of my life, but they just aren’t as easy as they once were.

But God is so good!! He always is with you and me, no matter in health or sickness. Praise Him 🙂

So I embrace another year, trusting that He knows the number of my days and yours. He holds the future in His hands. He is not taken by surprise by anything that happens in my life or yours or in the chaotic world around us.

Personally, I am praying for revival for our people, for our land, and across the world! I pray that His Spirit moves in the hearts of our youth, Gens X and Z, Millennials, the middle-aged, and all of us on up!

Those are my thoughts on turning 60! 

What’s going on with you?

Thank you for being a part of my community!

Let me know if I can pray for you.



PS Book deals and contests below 🙂

If you have Kindle Unlimited, there’s a link for some books there. (All but 2 of my novels are in KU.)