Hi Friends!
I love to support other Christian writers, artist, musicians, etc., and last
year I read a book I really enjoyed by T.I. Lowe called Under the
Magnolias. It’s historical fiction set in the–wait for it–1980s! How can
my teen years really be historical, LOL!
Anyway, I contacted T.I. and got some information to share with you.
The cover of the book is absolutely stunning, as is the writing!

I loved the journey we took with you in this novel! This book has been said to
highlight the best of humanity. Can you explain what you mean by that?

Honestly, I fear the world we are living in today has forgotten how
beautiful it is to be compassionate and to empathize with others. This
book has characters f rom all walks of life and highlights how those
characters choose to show kindness for no other reason than to be kind.
Simple enough!

Amen to that! What was your inspiration for this book? You’ve referenced some
of the conversations you had with God about writing this book. Can you walk us
through that a bit?

Spring of 2019, it seemed every time I turned on the news or pulled up
Facebook a headline of a community leader, mostly church leaders, had
committed suicide. Man, did that put such a burden on my heart. I
wanted to know their story and why they got to the point of feeling that
hopeless. Before I knew it, I was deep into research. I discovered most
times, those victims were secretly suffering with mental illness. They
were worried what others would think, so they kept it hidden. A lot of
prayer went into it, asking God to help me understand and to express
that understanding to readers. Days of writing with goosebumps along
my arms and a tightened chest, I knew I wasn’t telling this story alone.

You’re so right. Mental illness is a struggle many of us suffer from or pray about
for a loved one. I struggle with anxiety, and it’s one of the reasons I wrote my
first book Leaving Oxford.

I want this book to open our eyes, to start more conversations about
mental health, and to be more empathetic to those suffering. Being
more proactive in mental health awareness requires those suffering in
silence to find their voice and for everyone else to take off their
blinders and pay attention.

We are all human and all flawed and all going through something. I think
when you choose to be authentic instead of pretending to be what folks
expect you to be, there’s a great freedom in that.

I’m all for that. Sharing our stories opens doors of our hearts, which in turns
opens the door for others to share their hearts.
Thanks to T.I. Lowe for writing this book, Under the Magnolias! I was certainly
inspired by it!
If you’re interested in learning more about this Christy nominated novel, here’s
the link for Amazon.
Only 18 more days until the my next book Holding On to Hope releases! Preorder now! (The
paperbacks will release mid-April)
Stay in touch! And below is a contest with 40 books and $500 Amazon Gift