Hi Friend,

Spring is in full bloom here in Mississippi, and it’s one of my favorite times.

The past seven years, I’ve worked at the Mississippi Legislature from January through April. At lunch, I love to get out in the sunshine and walk around our Capitol.

Here are a few recent pictures I took of the building, the full moon on my way into work, and of a cross at the church across the street.

This Easter weekend, my family will remember of the beauty of sacrificial love and the hope of an empty tomb.

So very thankful!

I loved this prayer my son wrote recently while preparing for a spring break inner city mission and wanted to share it with you:

Dear Lord,

Help me be prepared for the task that I am given and to not to be complacent.

Help me be a good steward of what you have given me and to bring others into your kingdom.

Fill me with a spirit of charity and allow me to see all people in your image.

Help me to not get desensitized to all of the problems of the world so that I don’t overlook those in need.


What are your plans for the weekend? Any traditions you would like to share? Prayer requests?

I would love to hear from you 🙂

Blessings, Janet

P.S. If you feel like reading something inspirational, I’ve marked down my eBook novel set in Ireland, Star Rising.