Hi friend,
Last time I wrote, I told you about how an anxiety disorder motivated me to write my first novel. Another reason I write faith-filled fiction is to encourage those who might have stepped away from their faith. Like I did!
Because I was a prodigal for many years.

No excuses. I had a good family. They taught me right from wrong, took good care of me, took me to church, and supported my extracurricular activities.
Still—in my late teens, I chose to wander a different path. It was the path the culture sold through media and song–an alluring path, but one that ended in sadness.
No, I didn’t end up in a pigpen. I went to college, got a degree, worked at a job, and made friends. I knew and still believed in what was right, but I didn’t want to give up control of my life, my way, or my will.

Inside, though, the old expression held true. I had a hole in my heart that only God could fill.

I was around 27 when I hit my knees and begged the Lord to take me back. I was finally willing to go where He led me. If only He would take me back.

I heard the prodigal story anew in a sermon. The story was more about our good God than it was about the prodigal.

Our Father is waiting, watching, and searching us out. He leaves the 99 because He yearns to have his children back with Him.
In Luke, Jesus describes a scene where a father runs to his son when he turns down the road to home and throws his arms around his long-lost son’s neck. He puts a ring on his finger and throws a party to celebrate.

He does that for us too!

The messes of my past or your past don’t eliminate us from being important and useful in God’s service. He can transform the ashes of our pasts into something beautiful, if we give Him the chance.
That was the second message I wanted to share in my first story and really every novel since then.
So I write stories with prodigals because that’s what I know!
What’s your favorite prodigal story or novel you’ve read? Or do you have a story?
I would like to hear from you!
I’m happy to pray for you as well 🙂

Blessings in Him,
By the way:
Below is the rest of that first series I wrote, mostly set in Oxford, Mississippi, each eBook priced at only $2.99. Or they can be bought in a 4-book eBook.

And a there’s fun giveaway again this month! Celebrate Lit is hosting, and there are some great prizes! Here’s that link: https://promosimple.com/ps/27a..