Hi friends! 
I’m still working on the novel Healing Skye which is about my character Star’s sister. (Star was in Star Rising.) The hero is a charter fisherman, and sadly, I have very little fishing experience. I’m happy for you to send info! 

Anyway, I decided to have what my nephew calls “forced family fun” and take my husband, my daughter, and her friend on a charter fishing trip on The Lady Ann at Dauphin Island. I had several email conversations with Iris of Captain Mike’s Fishing Charter. She answered a slew of my author questions about running a family-owned charter business. I used their company to go fishing.

Captain King and his fishing guide, Trey, were so very kind to answer a million dumb questions for me while we were out on a morning boat trip, as well. Also, Trey had the not-fun job of trying to untangle my line–more than once or twice. I tried to use the excuse that I had some arthritis in my hands, rather than admit the fact that I was slightly clumsy and more interested in taking pictures of things, like the lighthouse 🙂

Happily, my husband caught a Spanish mackerel. He also caught an interesting baby shark which we released. Just as we were about to head in, my daughter said I should reel in my line. I explained that I’d probably just tangle it, so maybe Trey should do the job. Instead, she reeled it in, and there was a fish on it! Just my luck, she got the credit!

I was able successfully grill our catch though!! It was delicious!

I would love prayers that I finish this story soon, that it honors God, and that it reaches and encourages whoever needs it!
How can I pray for you?
PS a few book deals below, as usual 🙂
Sign up to try to win 30 Inspirational novels here https://authorsxp.com/win-book…
My sweet friend Misty Beller will have a book on sale beginning Monday July 12 for 99 cents here https://www.amazon.com/gp/prod…
And finally, my friend Emily Conrad has a new book to preorder for $2.99 that I’m excited about called To Bring You Back! https://www.amazon.com/Bring-Y…